Comic for 9/30/2005 : The Courteous Chef (keywords: lane, mark, restaurant, chef, chicken, prepared)


Help Keep Lane Fed
Friday - September 30th, 2005
posted by: Scott Sevener, Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...
It's another episode of restaurant-related mayhem here at L7 Comix!  Want to see some jokes that don't involve waiters, waitresses, and/or the ethical treatment of meals to come?!  Send us your jokes today and help play a pivotal role in pointing Lane and her friends down new roads of comedic bliss...

This week's update is going to be quick, not necessarily because we're running hot with a whole slew of new plans for the website around you, but more so because right now there's a hot tub bubbling nearby with my name on it and after all of that coloring and writing, I do believe that I deserve a break!  However before we part our ways until October, I would like to send out a special thanks to everyone who has joined our mailing list, subscribed to our RSS feed, or even just mentioned us in passing to their friends and co-workers over the past few weeks.  The numbers, they be a-climbing strong and hopefully they won't show any signs of slowing soon - it's that kind of encouragement that pushes us to keep making our special, eclectic brand of funny every single week and we thank you kindly for your support!

We'll chat again when the tenth month is upon us...

- Scott Sevener
  Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...