Ahhh - another week gone by, another sarcastic anecdote delivered with love! I've actually predicted this one happening in my own household sometime in the future, although let us all hope that I've got just a little more hair than our dear friend Howard when it does...
As promised, more great news in the land of the weekly feature updates here at L7 Comix - this one a swell, little bonus for all of you LiveJournal fanatics out there who haven't signed on for our mailing list just yet! Officially as of about 2:00 AM Monday morning, readers and fans of Ink, Paint & Tears... were able to begin receiving their editions of The Weekly Muffin - our weekly newsletter about the strip - as a part of their friends lists on LiveJournal...pretty cool stuff, if I do say so myself. You can go here for all of the info, or simply add the username weeklymuffin to your friends list and you'll be good to go - just as with our e-mail list and RSS feed, new comics will be delivered ripe and fresh just as soon as they hit the 'net ... what a deal!
Of course, as you've probably noticed that things are actually coming together around here quite nicely, we're kind of getting near the end of the line with regards to new features and shiny buttons to implement...however give us a few weeks and we promise to have one or two last tricks up our sleeve that you're destined to enjoy! I tell ya, by the time we're done here, you'll just about think it's a real, live website or something! It's an exciting time to be alive here at L7 Comix, indeed, and well, I think it goes without saying that we're more than pleased to have you along for the ride...
- Scott Sevener
Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears... |