Oh, sarcasm and witty banter - where would we be without ye?!
Today's strip comes from our archive of "things that we'd all absolutely love to say at work if we weren't worried about getting fired," possibly even a bit reminiscent of Office Space for those of us who find ourselves inundated with TPS reports and over exaggerated project schedules on a weekly basis. "Give me something to do and I'd be happy to get here on time!" that's what I always say...
...ok, not really because I'd like to keep my job in the foreseeable future, but the thought is still there, I tell you - hence today's outlet for comedic aggression!
But enough about the daily grind - we'd like to thank everyone who's sent in their kind words about our new site design and state for the record that we're just thrilled that you all seem to like the "new look" just as much as we do! It was a change that was long overdue and hopefully it adds to your leisurely experience here at L7 Comix, and if there's anything else that we can do to make your stay more comfortable, don't hesitate to drop us a line...
The next few weeks should prove to be quite interesting, as Lori and I prepare for the impending holiday season with a virtual plethora of stocking stuffers for your gift-opening delight - although the plans haven't been finalized yet, you can pretty much plan on just about anything you can think of that we can slap the old L7 logo on to help spread the love, so start counting those pennies now! And of course, for the free approach, let's also not forget to get your names on our mailing list of one flavor or another to ensure that you won't be missing a single moment of the action! We share because we care...
Have a great weekend!
- Scott Sevener
Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears... |