Comic for 8/25/2006 : Not the Right Book (keywords: kellie, chad, library, book, phone, complaint, blonde)


Flying Kids
Friday - August 18th, 2006
posted by: Scott Sevener, Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...
Kids sure do say the darnedst things, don't they?

Continuing our airline theme from last week, I thought that this strip would be particularly appropriate seeing as by the time you're reading this, I will have gotten off a plane myself not too long ago. Well, that is unless you just happen to be reading through our archives sometime in 2013 or something - in that case, hopefully we're just teleporting to our destinations by then! But of course, that's an aspiration for another day...

So anyways, I'd like to take just a short moment to solicit some ideas from you all this week - you see, in only a few weeks we'll have been doing Ink, Paint & Tears... consistently for an entire year, which is a pretty big deal when you factor in some of the obstacles that we've encountered in attempting to bring out a new strip each and every week! And of course, to celebrate we're already working on a few things here and there that we think you'll really enjoy, but we'd also like to get some feedback from you as to not only what you'd like to see in the future, but also what you've thought about our work here over the last year. Did we feature too many strips of one type, or maybe not enough of your favorite characters? Was the whole "sometimes Friday, sometimes Saturday afternoon" publication schedule truly a thorn in your side? Maybe you'd just like to see a lot more of your favorite strip on the 'net - we'll talk to Garfield's people and see what we can do about that, but in the meantime maybe we can draw a little something here and there for you, too?

Drop us a line in the usual fashion and let us know what you think! Good or bad, we always cherish the feedback that we get from our readers because to be perfectly honest with you, at the end of the day we're actually still kind of tickled pink that we even have readers in the first place! Help pump that ego just a little further and let us know how we're doing...

And one last airplane related note to send you on your way - don't forget to go watch Snakes on a Plane this weekend or Samuel L. Jackson will cut you! Just relaying the message, folks...

- Scott Sevener
  Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...