Comic for 12/1/2006 : The Perfect Tree (keywords: kellie, christmas tree, decorations, chopping, blonde)


L7 Comix Celebrates 1 ... Again!
Friday - September 8th, 2006
posted by: Scott Sevener, Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...
Holy Schnikes!!! Steve makes two appearances in a row - somebody stop the presses!

So yeah, as you can see I finally got off my duff and found some new "wit" for Steve to recite - the first from his previously promised series in nearly six months! Needless to say, Steve's just a tough cookie to write for and it's hard for me to even find other people's quotes worth placing in the dignified bug's mouth. But don't fret, as I'm here to say that we've certainly not forgotten our fine-winged friend and will try to do a little better at keeping the old guy in the loop a little more often in the future...

Anyways, for those of you keeping track (and my, how easy it is to do so on your fabulous Ink, Paint & Tears... 2006 Wall Calendars!), next week marks somewhat of a special occasion because exactly one week ago next Saturday was the day when Lori and I kicked this pig back into gear and started making comics on a regular basis again! Here we are 53 strips later and still going like we actually want to keep things up for a while - that's gotta be a good sign, isn't it?! We certainly like to think so, and to show our appreciation for everyone out there who's kept up with the Joneses and read our strip once, twice, or even religiously every week over the past year, we'd like to do something a little special...


...but I'm just going to be honest right now and let you all know that it isn't going to happen right away. We've got a number of things in the works - a book, a new calendar, an updated design to our website, among others - and we're looking forward to bringing you all of these and more within time, but unfortunately life is just a little too crazy right now to dedicate ourselves to anything more than that. Hopefully one day soon you'll log on to and find a brand-new website that you've never seen before, chocked full of new features and all sorts of Ink, Paint & Tears... swag to fill your Christmas list with, but in the meantime we'll still continue to bring you what is quite possibly one of the cheesiest weekly comic strips this side of the Interweb for many moons to come! And of course, as long as we keep extending that "meantime" out, please feel free to drop us a line of any new and cool suggestions that you would like to see from us in the future and we'd be happy to see what we can do!

Until next week, this has been Masterpiece Theatre...

- Scott Sevener
  Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...