Comic for 8/5/2003 : Wrong House (keywords: lane, farmer, census, population, united states, waste, farm)


Eat More Fiber
Tuesday - August 5th, 2003
posted by: Lori Sevener, Artist / Graphic Designer - Ink, Paint & Tears...
I never understood why cowboys or farmers would have that little piece of wheat/hay/sawgrass, or whatever the heck it is in their mouth. It seems rather pointless to me. Maybe it's a good source of fiber. That must be it. Did you know that despite contrary belief, dietary fiber does not prevent colon cancer? Now you do. Some supposed benefits of dietary fiber are prevention of the following: diabetes, high blood pressure, and most importantly -- constipation! Plus, it decreases your sex hormones. Woo wee.

There's an awful lot of green in this comic, isn't there?