Comic for 11/18/2005 : What's in a Name? (keywords: office, mark, howard, john darling, name)


You're Fired!
Friday - November 18th, 2005
posted by: Scott Sevener, Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...
So is it just me or does the boss in this comic remind you of Mr. Jameson - the head hauncho of The Daily Bugle from the Spider-Man movies??? The original script behind this strip was about three times as long and had him rambling on and on about demanding respect from his peons and so forth, but obviously we had to trim things up a bit for space constraints! It still gets the job done, though, which is more than he can probably say...

But to completely change topics, I've got a little polling question that I'd like to throw out there for all of our readers - so what do you think of the idea of our doing theme months such as Workplace Humor Month for November? Mind you, the format wouldn't necessarily even need to be an entire month long, but maybe just a week or three - the question remains the same ... do you like having strips related to one another as the weeks go by, or would you prefer us jumping around the board to cover a variety of different topics each and every week??? Drop us a quick e-mail and let us know what you think - I personally do enjoy theming our strips around the current times and obviously the upcoming holiday season would open the doors of possibility even wider, but if you'd rather we mix it up and have golf jokes in December rather than Christmas-type jokes, just say the word!

As we won't be speaking again until after turkey day (at least here in the U.S., that is...), I would like to also take just a moment to say that on behalf of both Lori and I, we are certainly thankful for all of the interest that our readers have shown in Ink, Paint & Tears... over the past months since we brought the strip back. Your encouragement and enthusiasm truly is what keeps us going and motivated to do our thing week after week and we most definitely look forward to a variety of new opportunities to come in the future, so from our hearts to yours, thank-you for reading!

But enough small talk - who wants pumpkin pie?

- Scott Sevener
  Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...