Comic for 11/25/2005 : Inspire This! (keywords: howard, office, think, thoap, bathroom)


More Office Hilarity
Friday - November 25th, 2005
posted by: Scott Sevener, Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...
Kinda makes you stop and think...or does it?!

That's right - a glorious end has come to our wildly popular Workplace Humor Month and the entire gang here at L7 Comix hopes that you enjoyed it just as much as we did! Only time will tell what our next feature will have in store for you ... but at this point, I'd be willing to bet money that it's going to involve candy canes and presents and all sorts of varieties of holiday cheer - just you wait and see...

Of course, I'd love to stay and chat all day, but it is the famed Black Friday and that means that I should probably be standing in line somewhere, so best of luck to all of you bargain hunters out there and for those of you lucky enough to nab yourselves an X-Box 360 ... share the love, folks! I'm certainly not paying a grand for one on eBay, but for the price of pizza and a six-pack, I'd be happy to make your acquaitance for an evening of holiday gaming fun! 'Tis the season to be sharing, Fred...

Peace, love, etc, etc...

- Scott Sevener
  Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...