Alien abduction?
New kitten??
Won the lottery and decided to skip town to go party in Vegas???
I suppose any of the following could be construed as viable excuses for the lateness of last week's comic, as we're just now getting around to posting it nearly a week later, but millions of dollars, baby kittens, and well, you can just use your imagination for the third aside, we're officially dedicating this strip to the classic blunder that is the scheduling error. You see, we nearly had the weekly strip done, on-time and everything, until I realized whilst I was working my own half of the magic that the strip we were preparing wasn't actually supposed to be, well, prepared for about another two months. One of the reasons that we try to keep a schedule of sorts is because we do have an assortment of characters in the cast that aren't exactly 100% interchangeable, so we've found that it's best to actually plan out appearances in advance to ensure that you don't get ten strips all featuring The Muffin right in a row!
Well, somehow said plan sort of slipped through the butter fingers this week, but here we are today, on our feet and well on our way to recovery! The good news is that we've already got one strip done for September and we're not anywhere near there time-wise yet; the bad news is that, well, the strip that you see here today is only going to be up for a couple of days before our current week's strip comes to take the stage. And we'll do our best to meet that deadline, although I certainly wouldn't go betting any organs or live animals on us at this point - it's been one crazy summer and we're not quite done yet...
Thanks as always for your patience, your patronage, and your persistence! Enjoy the strip.
- Scott Sevener
Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears... |