Fun Fact: The Hamilton Inn featured in this strip was actually named after the very same hotel in which Lori and her husband spent their first married night together a few months ago! Ask them to tell you the story of this place's exceptional customer service - I dare you...
Of course, this week's strip is also special because it brings back one of our oldest characters who, without my actually looking through all of our archives to check, hasn't shown his face in more than maybe one or two strips that we've ever done! Sorry, we just don't come up with a lot of scripts to make use of Ian the Token Irish Guy, but that doesn't mean that his talents aren't a valued contribution to our efforts here at L7 Comix, no Sir-e! Fortunately for us, Ian's usually fairly busy walking into bars and drinking and doing all sorts of other stereotypical things that Irish men tend to do, so no harm, no foul.
I'll be following the trend set last week and keeping this post short as well, but at least we've managed to get these out on time a few weeks in a row lately and if somehow I can convince you that the two acts are mysteriously related, then all the better! See you next week - same Irish time, same Irish channel...
- Scott Sevener
Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears... |