Comic for 7/28/2006 : Out of Juice (keywords: mark, sean, orange juice, concentrate, factory)


Short and Sweet
Friday - July 28th, 2006
posted by: Scott Sevener, Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...
Welcome to L7 Comix, now with 75% more cheese!

I think I'm going to just continue the trend and keep our news posts around here short for at least the rest of the summer because:

a) I really don't have anything new to write about.
b) Nobody wants to just hear random rambling, right?
c) It's hot outside, and because I live in Florida, it's also pretty hot inside.
d) Did I mention that there's really not a whole lot going on right now?!
Now don't get me wrong, Lori and I are working on some pretty cool things in the wings and hopefully those will be coming around the mountain here shortly, but also more importantly, summer is a time for going to the beach and relaxing! And while I've only been to the beach a couple of times this summer thus far, we've still got a whopping month left to go. I also don't feel too bad about this because statistics have actually shown that most websites' stats go down during the summer months simply because people are out doing other stuff. You'd probably think that with all of the kiddies home from school, that would make up for things like it does for our roads, but apparently there's still a fair number of them "doing things outside." Go figure!

So anyways, I hope you enjoy this week's strip, not to mention our weeks prior and the many more to come as well! We haven't really gotten much for joke submissions recently and have been reduced to scrubbing some of the other joke websites on the Internet for material, so if you think you've got something that we could make a funny cartoon out of, the same, old offer still applies - send your ideas our way and we'll hook you up.

Until August 4th...

- Scott Sevener
  Writer / Web Producer - Ink, Paint & Tears...